Lic. Luis Daniel Villanueva Gómez.
Social Worker at the National School of Social Work (ENTS) of the National Autonomous University of México (UNAM) with Postgraduate Degree in Economics in the area of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development by the Institute of Economic Research (IIEc) of the same University. He holds a Diploma in Economics and Environmental Policy and various courses on Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
He has been responsible for consulting services for the analysis and evaluation of public policies with a gender perspective provided to the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), the Private Initiative (IP) for the development of Manifestations of Social Impact and the Social Sector in issues of Social Development with a gender perspective for the use and sustainable use of natural resources. He has worked in the public sector for SEMARNAT and the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (FONATUR). He has extensive experience in the design, execution and systematization of information collection tools for field work, as well as in Social Impact Assessments for energy projects. He has also participated in working tables on Sustainable Development.
Spanish and English.