Lic. Daniel Gómez Ramírez


J.D. graduate from the Universidad Intercontinental. In 2011 he was selected to attend a short term educational program as part of the Unit of Submissions to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation of North America, in Montreal, Canadá. He has attended several seminars as well as workshops, among them: Seminar on Contemporary Legal Theories and their Implications for the Offered Control of Constitutionality and Conventionality, given by the Federal Court of Fiscal and Administrative Justice; workshops on Introduction to Statistics and Judicial Litigation and Research, both taught by the Faculty of Law of the National Bar Association. Currently he works in the areas of administrative litigation, arbitration, audit and environmental consultancy. He has wide experience in all matters related to national waters, environmental impact, energy, land use, waste materials and emissions to the atmosphere.


Spanish and english.


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